Jackie Fernandes

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3 Books for the Body and Mind

The cold of winter can leave us feeling lethargic, stiff, and tired. This month, as Spring slowly starts to awaken around us, it’s time for us to also reawaken and reenergize ourselves. March is a great time to focus on awakening the body, and realigning our mental and physical selves. Our bodies may have been in hibernation so to speak, but our minds might have been racing on. 

These are 3 books I like to lean into when I am readying myself for the new season, and get myself moving:

The Somatic Therapy Workbook

By Livia Shapiro

 Somatic movement is the process of using slow, deliberate movements to

release internal tension and emotions. Shapiro, through the use of the

workbooks, immerses readers into the somatic experience by providing this

interactive and tested workbook. Within this workbook, you can find journal

prompts, exercise guides, and real-life experiments to guide you on your

journey. Find healing from within with Shapiro’s engaging guide to intuitive,

and intentional movement.

Getting Here By Getting There: Life’s Invitations to Dance

By Angela Silva Mendes

Through her book “Getting There by Being Here” Mendes calls us to listen to

our own “Selfprint”. This concept of “Selfprint” follows the idea that although

our bodies may not always be moving, our minds and souls are. Through a

collection of personal and client stories, Mendes gives us four principles

comparing the Western world’s priorities to the rest of the world around us.

By taking control of our “personal roadmaps”, we can learn to slow down,

listen to our true selves and put an end to busy mindlessness. Mendes

reminds us that life is there waiting for us to join in on the dance!

The Dance Cure

By Peter Lovatt

Dr. Peter Lovatt discusses the science behind the power of dance. From

social, physical, emotional, and cultural benefits that dance can have upon

our lives. Dance can enrich us, help us connect to others as well as our roots-

and provide us with an active, stimulating form of happiness. Dr. Lovatt does

not just delve into dance in a general sense but also speaks about each form

of dance can impact our health and mind. From building empathy through

the Scottish country dance to prolonging our life with Zumba, there is a

dance for everyone to be inspired by.  Learn which one will add to the joy

and fulfillment in your life in The Dance Cure. 

If you have any books you’d like to recommend as well, please share them in the comments!

Another powerful tool that I use to listen to my mind and body is tarot reading. Tarot can often tell me things I need to hear, even though I might not be aware of it yet! With that in mind, I am excited to announce that this August 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! 

It will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. In this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!