8 of My Favorite Books (that I recommend to my clients)

8 of My Favorite Books (that I recommend to my clients)

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Reading is one of the most important things in life. For my own work, I love to recommend to my clients my favorite books for growth. Reading helps us understand things differently and allows us to find some perspective outside of our own ways of thinking. 

Fran Lebowitz famously said, “Think before you speak. Read before you think.”. I have always felt this. Sometimes there is more to the story, and reading helps us find that out.


Here are 8 of my most recommended books for wellness and energy coaching:

1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho - A must-read novel that follows the journey of a shepherd boy called Santiago who searches for ‘the Alchemist’ who helps him realize his true purpose. 


2. Rising Strong by Brené Brown - A life-changing book that addresses vulnerability and the importance of strength. 


3. Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins - Bestseller that teaches readers how to control finances, mental, physical, and emotional life. 


4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - Written in the 1930s, this book is a unique self-improvement book that is distant to modern life, but still holds true!


 5. Warrior Goddess Training: Become the Woman You Are Meant to Be by Heather Ash Amara - A book that is targeted towards women to help them realize their inner power. 

6. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. by Don Miguel Ruiz - Read this book for a code of conduct based upon the ancient Toltec wisdom, which has a massive drive towards finding personal freedom over limitations.


7. Untethered Soul by Michael Singer - Though the journey is not simple, I would recommend this book to all my clients as it vouches for inner peace and crossing boundaries. 


8. Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel - Lastly, this book is a super interesting text written by Victor, who was a prisoner in a concentration camp during World War Two. He speaks about finding positivity in his mind. 


Please comment below on your favorite books! I would love to hear your recommendations! 

Thanks for reading beautiful souls,



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