August Astrology: What To Expect This Month

August Astrology: What To Expect This Month

Happy August!

As I do every month, today’s blog will be a quick update on what to expect this month astrology-wise. 


I’ve already given a sneak peek for my newsletter subscribers, so I’ll keep you up to date:

This month, if any of your big 3 are Leo, Aries or Virgo signs, you’re in for a brilliant month! There’s something in the air in August. 

Embrace this month with grace! 

In general, Leo season comes with confidence, laughter and good times for all the signs. 

Yesterday on the 3rd, Venus, the planet of love was playing cupid with Uranus and you may be in for a moment of romance. Did you notice anything different?

In general, August is for rekindling relationships, with friends, family, and lovers. The past year has been a tricky one, but things do seem to be looking up. We can finally hug our friends! Embrace that, embrace them. 

As well as this, unfinished issues or concerns are on their way out. You’ll get clarity and hopefully with that, stability. A chapter may be ending, but the new one is looking bright. 

I’m looking forward to this month! Are you?

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