Earth Hour Day: 8 Ways to Easily Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
It’s Earth Hour today from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Communities are encouraged to switch off their non-essential lights and electrics for just one hour and be mindful of the planet.
Since it is earth hour day, I thought I’d share my 8 ways to easily reduce your carbon footprint aside from limiting your electric use. Our planet is so beautiful, and we can all make small changes to make a big difference.
““I have learned you are never too small to make a difference.””
1. Invest in a water bottle
This is my number one! Stop spending money on plastic water bottles every day and get your own colorful one. You’ll be drinking more water, and saving the planet too!
2. Switch up your beauty routine
I love, love, love beauty. But I will admit that some beauty products can be wasteful, for example, cotton pads. By making little changes such as getting reusable cotton pads to remove your make-up, your skin will be healthier and there will be less in your bin!
3. Recycle your clothing
Next time you’re eager to buy new clothes, think before you buy. Recycling your clothes and making new ones or repairing your current ones can be such a rewarding thing! Save your pennies and switch up your wardrobe from home.
This book ‘Mend and Patch’ will provide you with all the tips and tricks for repairing and mending your favorite clothing items.
4. Plan your meals in advance to minimize waste
It’s always a great idea to think about what you’re going to be cooking in the week. This is great again so you can shop and buy just enough for each meal and not have any food going to waste! This way, you can make do with what you’ve got and have hearty delicious foods while you’re at it.
These sweet weekly meal planners are a must-buy for those looking to keep organized. And it’s got a shopping list that you can bring to the shops
5. Keep a reusable bag for when you go shopping
When you go shopping, don’t forget your reusable bag! There’s no need to pick up any extra plastic when you’re getting your groceries.
I love these affordable bags from Amazon, grab these just in time for your next grocery run.
6. Walk where you can
A few weeks back, I posted a blog about ‘awe walks’. An awe walk is simply, taking a walk and thinking outwardly, instead of inwardly. This means you’re more thoughtful about the bigger picture and less about yourself.
It’s always good to ditch the car if you can and walk for shorter journeys. It’s good for your health, mind, and the environment.
7. Eat more plant-based meals
Recently, vegetarian food is on the rise and that’s brilliant. You don’t need to go full-on veggie/vegan but it’s a great idea to add a few more of these meals to your diet. It’s one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint.
Plus, it’s tasty, as you’ll see in this BOSH book.
8. Grow your own
A final fun way to help the environment is by bringing it into your home! Check out these wonderful grow-your-own herb growing kits for all your culinary and holistic needs. Pick your herbs, grow them at home!