Jackie Fernandes

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The February Astrology Guide

Finally, February!

The year’s shortest month is packed with energy and action as it began with a new moon the other night, and you should still be able to feel its influence today! New moons are often seen as the start of a new chapter and renewal. Let yourself start fresh this February, and embrace what comes your way. Also, this new moon occurred within the final hours of January making it a rare “black moon”, or when a second new moon occurs exactly at the start of a new month. This kind of moon only occurs every 28 months - so be sure to soak up its magical energy!

What else does February have in store for us?  (Hint: It’s a lot!)

February falls in the astrological sign of Aquarius, which means that a lot of positive and determined energy will be flowing through you this month. Encourage yourself to complete your goals this month and to share your positivity with others. Embrace your inner Aquarius and let yourself be open to a new mindset, relationships, and change. If you’re curious to learn more about astrology and what zodiacs like Aquarius can mean for you, your mood, and your relationships, check out my blog Astrology 101!

Now along with the rare “black moon”, let’s talk about some other unique occurrences happening in the stars this month:

Asteroid Juno: Just in time for Valentine’s day, Asteroid Juno will be joining us to bring an extra feeling of romance! Named after the Greek Goddess of marriage and loyalty, Asteroid Juno’s energy may give you the courage to discuss plans, commitment, and emotions with your loved one with season. If you’ve got some big questions for your significant other, now might be a good time to ask. 

The Return of Pluto: The next big thing is that Pluto will be returning to the Northern Hemisphere, and will be gracing the United States with its presence for the first time in over 200 years! 

Now, what does Pluto’s return mean for us?

The heavenly body Pluto holds a great deal of power as it is a force of rebirth and the beginning and end of energy cycles. For those of us based in the US, we will feel its pull and influence both individually and communally. This will be a time for reflection and change. Look towards your community for support!

During such unpredictable times, I believe in empowering people to take control of their own healing with the proper tools and support - and with that in mind, I have an exciting opportunity to announce:

This August of 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! It will cover everything you will need to know from those who are just starting their journey, to those who are more experienced diviners.

Together, we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!