Jackie Fernandes

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The Power of Affirmations

What are affirmations? 

Affirmations are positive statements that, when repeated over a period of time, can help you overcome difficulties, as well as negative or unhelpful thoughts. It takes daily practice and motivation to change your mindset this way. However, once you do you will be able to feel the difference in how you appreciate and view yourself. 

How real are the effects of using affirmations? 

Again, using affirmations isn’t something that will come to you at a snap of your fingers. There is a science behind it and you must follow the steps to truly reap the benefits. For a few minutes every day, look at yourself in the mirror and state your affirmations by repeating them out loud. Try to do this 4 to 5 times a day if you can.

Scientists have stated that using positive affirmations daily assists people in 3 ways: 

1. It helps us understand our self-identity

Self-Affirmations give us daily reminders of who we are and what our purpose is. It allows us to create a narrative about ourselves so that we are both steadfast in what roles we play in our lives, but also the lives of others. If you would like to find out more and better understand yourself, please check out my True North Readings. A True North Reading is a service I offer to those who are looking to learn more about themselves and who seek to find more joy and empowerment in their lives and relationships.


2. It creates the opportunity for cognitive restructuring

Positive thinking has proven to change the way our brains function! It can be incredibly difficult to pull your mind out of a difficult or negative space. The older we get, the more our brains can become creatures of habit. By changing our thought patterns, our brain can restructure itself towards a more positive outlook. Take a look at my other blog, How to Strengthen Your Inner Course, for more techniques on how you can transform your mind. 


3. Build our resilience and self-appreciation 

We won’t know what we can overcome unless we believe in ourselves. Using affirmations can help us become more adaptable and resilient in difficult times. By showing ourselves love and appreciation a few times every day, we build our resistance to negative thoughts and negative people. 

Here are some affirmations I like to tell myself each day when I wake up in the morning: 

  • I am powerful and responsible for my own life.

  • I choose happiness, and I am proud to be me.

  • I am loved and supported by the people around me.

  • I accept and love myself.

By using affirmations every day, we are showing ourselves love and care. So give yourself a little love this morning by reminding yourself how wonderful you really are! 

As you continue to include practices of self-care and love into your life, it would also be a good idea to consider learning a new skill as a way to empower yourself. I am excited to announce that this July 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! 

It will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. Throughout this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!