Astrology FAQs: Answering Your Questions

Astrology FAQs: Answering Your Questions

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A lot of people are always so curious about astrology and zodiac signs, so I wanted to clear some things up for you guys. You may have read my blog on How Seasons Relate To Your Astrology or Leo Season 2020 . If you haven’t yet, do check them out! 

Some of you may have your doubts and suspicions about astrology. But I’m here to help you understand it better, I wanted to give you the floor to ask some questions. I’ll answer to the best of my ability and see where we are from there. 


I asked you on FB and Instagram what are some questions you guys have surrounding astrology,  and here is what you guys said!

1) What is astrology?

Simply, Astrology is the skill of interpreting the placement and movement of the planets; it is similar to a cosmic weather report. I have found personally and professionally that overall wellbeing and energy/emotional wellness influences people based on when they were born and what star sign they are. It’s all in the stars. 

2) What is Western astrology?

Western astrology is astrology where various cosmic bodies are said to have an influence. It divides the whole year into periods. In Western astrology, there are 12 different signs: aquarius, taurus, pisces, sagitarius, gemini, aries, cancer, virgo, leo, scorpio, libra and capricorn. Depending on when you were born in the year and which star sign you are, Western astrology says we have specific traits and qualities. 

 To learn more, check out this interesting link about Western astrology. 

3) What is Chinese astrology?

Chinese astrology believes a person's destiny can be determined by one of the major planes at the person's birth along with the position of the comets, time of birth, and zodiac sign. It’s based on a 12-year cycle with an animal representation. 

There is the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. 2020 is the year of the rat so we are at the beginning of the 12 year cycle.  Each animal has certain qualities that influence the way in which we move around life. 

4) What if I don’t identify with something in my chart?

If you don’t identify with something, it usually means that this is the area where you should be focusing on in your life. Make this your mission, even if it doesn’t feel right at the moment.  You’ll thank yourself later. 

5) What is Vedic Astrology?

It’s an Indian Astrology. Vedic means wisdom of truth. It’s based upon sidereal (meaning constellations and planets). In this case, it aligns with 27 constellations or fixed stars groups. This ancient science is based on where the stars and planets are when you were born and how this affects you as the solar system moves throughout your years.

It has 12 houses which are the same as Western astrology (virgo, taurus, aries and so on…) But it’s all about planets that rule the signs. For example, Taurus is ruled by Venus, Gemini is ruled by Mercury. 

Verdic astrology gives better views around karmic tendencies and focuses on life events, known as ‘Dashas’.

6)Any tips on aligning the business with astrology as things change in the atmosphere?

I personally use energy and astrology forecasts to manage my life on a daily basis and it helps me plan for the future.

I offer personal tarot and oracle card readings to help individuals move forward in life. I also offer business intuitive readings to help business owners start, expand, and grow their business. So if you’re interested, don’t be shy! Feel free to reach out to me.

7) Is there any science behind astrology?

That’s a big one to unpack. Yes and no. Technically, it is a scientific entity. But is it a science? I'll let you decide when you take this test.

8) I am wondering what themes will take place for the rest of the year? 

There are lots coming for the end of the year. Watch your own astrology readings on YouTube. Some channels that  I recommend are as follows:

Patricizia 11:11

The Illust Illuminator

Quietest Revolution

Good energy reports can be found at

Alternatively, some of my favorite apps in this field are:

Daily Horoscope




Again, if you're interested in obtaining a reading for yourself, I am happy to do one for you in regards to your personal or professional life. Thanks so much for your questions and I hope this helps give you more insight into all things astrology. 

Feel free to comment below if you have any more for me and I will gladly do a part 2 for you all!

Thanks, beautiful souls,



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