All tagged western astrology

Birth Charts, Personality Tests and more... Tools That I Use in My Work and Why You Should Too!

As you know if you’ve read the blog post, I have a variety of live sessions/readings that I have available for those who are looking for greater insight into their astrology, intuition, and true north node.

A major part of my preparations for sessions is understanding my client’s personality. I tend to use a combination of tools to do this, such as 1) Astrological Birth Chart 2) 16 Personalities Test and 3) The Enneagram Test.

Astrology FAQs: Answering Your Questions

A lot of people are always so curious about astrology and zodiac signs, so I wanted to clear some things up for you guys. You may have read my blog on How Seasons Relate To Your Astrology or Leo Season 2020 . If you haven’t yet, do check them out!

Some of you may have your doubts and suspicions about astrology. But I’m here to help you understand it better, I wanted to give you the floor to ask some questions. I’ll answer to the best of my ability and see where we are from there.