The 5 Tools of Self Empowerment

The 5 Tools of Self Empowerment

Once we have taken a look deep within ourselves to find out our inner strengths, we now must find and utilize the right tools to reach our highest potential. 

Here are 5 tools that I believe will help empower you as you continue your journey in finding your true self.

1. Positive Self Talk

It might seem self-explanatory but speaking to yourself positively has been scientifically proven to improve your attitude and self-esteem. Often we are our own worst critics, and we don’t speak to ourselves kindly- it’s time to flip the switch and be your own biggest supporter. By giving yourself a positive daily mantra, you can change your way of thinking, and fortify your self-worth.

2. Learning a New Skill

Another way to build up confidence is through learning. It could be anything from a creative skill, to a yoga move or perhaps another language. Learning can be a source of empowerment as it tests your brain and engages you in something unfamiliar. A skill that I have learned and have found incredibly empowering was learning to read tarot. In learning tarot over the years, I have not only found passion and community, but I have also learned so much about myself. Now, I use this skill to help others understand themselves on a deeper level, and find their true sense of purpose. If you would like to book a session with me and learn more about how tarot can impact your life, check out my page.

3. Understand your Emotional Intelligence

Understanding your emotions is an important tool for self-empowerment. At times, we can say that we lack control or that our emotions rule us. However, with knowledge and the right resources, I find that our emotions can become our greatest source of power. To learn more about emotional intelligence, and some tips on how to get started please check out my recent blog

4. Reclaim your inner child

There is a boldness that comes with being a child that we often lose as adults- reclaim it! Be true to yourself and your needs. During a moment of mindfulness or meditation, think back and try to remember the simpler things that brought you happiness. These things could be active such as reigniting a passion for dance, or even belting out your favorite song in the shower. Revisiting our roots can bring us a sense of regrounding that we can find empowerment through.

5. Find your creative style

This creativity can take any form that speaks to you. Painting, photography, or drawing. It can be whichever way you feel allows you the best source of expression. I personally use journaling to help me clear my mind. While a new task can be a welcome challenge or test, this should be an activity that brings you peace. Having an outlet that creates space and calm, can often be the most empowering.

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