The 5 Signs You're Experiencing a Self-Awakening

The 5 Signs You're Experiencing a Self-Awakening

Last week we discussed what a self-awakening is, and the main kinds of awakenings there are (if you missed it, check out the blog here to find out more about all the kinds of awakenings there are!). Although each awakening is different in its focus or even application, the root of these awakenings all stem from the same source - your inner self. Regardless of what kind you are experiencing (be it spiritual, mindful, etc.), there are some tell-tale signs that you may either need an awakening or are currently undergoing one. 

Here are the 5 signs I believe signify a self-awakening:

1. They are often triggered by a great personal change

Though self-awakenings can sometimes seem spontaneous, they are usually brought on by a great, but perhaps subtle, change in your life. One does not wake up in the morning and decide - it’s time to change my life. It is usually an accumulation of events that bring you to this point. It could be something as monumental as a loss of a loved one, or a conflict with a friend, to as small as struggling to walk up the stairs. Even if you can’t pinpoint your “Ah-Ha!” moment exactly, it is almost always there.

2. You find that you are seeking more meaningful connections

Are you craving to make new friends or start a new relationship? Or even begin a new hobby or activity? It’s as all-of-a-sudden as you might think. When one is seeking connections with others, it takes a sense of vulnerability to take that step. If you would like my advice on friendship and how to pick friends wisely, check out my blog.

3. You often feel disassociated with your everyday life

If you are feeling bored, unmotivated, or just that something is feeling off - this could be a sign you are dissociating. When the things that you used to perk you up, don’t anymore, it is often a sign that you need to take a step back and evaluate. When I am going through a period of disassociation, I often go on what I call “awe walks”  to refocus myself and destress. 

4. Without realizing it, you are seeing a shift in your relationships with current relationships

Certain friendships or relationships might not feel as necessary or fulfilling as they once were. Realizing that someone in your life is not who you thought they were is a big change that can occur when experiencing an awakening. This is the time to see who is truly supportive of you and who to let into your life. If they are not adding happiness or growth into your life, then they may be taking it from you instead. 

5. Your dreams are more vivid and your sleep is deeper

This sign takes a bit of time to recognize, but having more vivid or even lucid dreams while you sleep is a result of self-awakening. Our subconscious is at its most powerful when we are sleeping, better fueling our mind, body, and soul connection. If you are waking up morning after morning with a recurring or thought-provoking dream - this is a sign that you are waking up in more ways than one. 

If you find that you are experiencing these signs, follow the path and see what your awakened self will have in store!

As we journey into the significance of self-awakenings, I would like to take this moment to introduce you to one of the tools I use to look deeper within myself: reading tarot. Reading tarot cards helps me gain clarity and connect with my spiritual wants and needs. With that in mind, I am excited to announce that in August 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! 

It will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. In this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!

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What is a Self-Awakening?

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