5 Ways to Use Tarot for the Past, Present, and Future

5 Ways to Use Tarot for the Past, Present, and Future

Tarot is one of my life’s great passions, and I have dedicated my career to helping people understand its power! These cards have been used for generations to navigate through life’s unknowns and doubts, and in every one of us is a person seeking truth. The truth about what? Well, that depends entirely on you! 

Here are the 5 ways I believe tarot guides us through our past, present, and future:

  1. Tarot allows us to revisit an event that occurred in the past and see how it may be affecting us in the long term.

  2. It helps us deliberate on a present situation that may be causing inner turmoil and may need reevaluation

  3. It recenters us to live in the moment as we process our emotions

  4. It creates a more positive mindset, and a “this too shall pass” mentality

  5. It eases the worry of the future and removes the craving for a more clearcut “timeline”

    Now, keeping this in mind, here are a few types of card pulls, or card spreads, that I find particularly beneficial:

When analyzing the past: The Simple 3 Card Pull

The 3-card pull is a great basic spread that gives the reader a more literal interpretation “of past-present-future”. After preparing your deck by shuffling, the reader (or the person receiving the reading) is to pull out three cards instinctually from the deck in random order. The first card will represent the past and what should be reflected on. The second card shows the present-day situation that needs reassessment. The third card pulled is a reveal of the future or possible outcome. Remember that the final card is usually more of a figurative possibility than a hard result - it is something to possibly plan for, or confront, instead of something literal.

So yes, the tower card can be intimidating but don’t take it to heart.

For centering yourself in the present: The Traditional 5-Card Pull

The 5-Card spread is more or less an extension of the 3-card pull but the additional cards will delve deeper into the receiver's true heart and intentions. The first three cards will identify what the querent is experiencing or questioning. Onward, the cards will sift through the details:

What does this person's heart really desire?

Is there a bias towards a certain outcome?  And so on.

The final card will give a general outcome that the receiver can either follow the path in order to begin a new cycle or plan for if in the case it is not their desired outcome. 

To explore the future: The Celtic Cross

The Celtic Cross is a bit more advanced but once practiced, it can be one of your most powerful spreads. The Cross consists of 10 cards each pulled from the deck and placed in - you guessed it - a shape of a cross. The first 3 cards deliberate the current challenge or question at hand. From the 4th card on, the spread will discuss the future. As you move through the cross, the cards pulled will represent a deeper aspect of the original question - the receiver's underlying feelings and subconscious intentions. Then cards will finalize with their advice and the possible outcome.

If after learning about these card spreads, you might like a better idea of what tarot decks to use, read about my top 5 favorite recommendations here. Again, tarot is not really about finding answers or finding out the magical number that will solve all of someone’s problems. These cards help tell the story of someone’s life - past, present, and future - in a way that will create space for interpretation, understanding, and peace.

If you are interested in learning more about how to read tarot cards and what spread may best help you on your journeys, I have great news for you! I am excited to announce that in August 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! 

This course will cover everything you need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. In this class, we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a FREE gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!

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