All tagged future

Tarot 101 and the Future!

All of this talk of the future has got me excited to explore new ideas and experiences! As a lifestyle and energy coach, I am always looking for new and engaging ways to build and support community, and I was inspired to do so by creating an introduction course all about reading tarot.

4 Affirmations for the Future You!

Listen, sometimes we all need a pep talk in the morning to get us ready to face whatever might be put into our path each day. Giving myself affirmations each day boosts my mood and my confidence, and reminds me to try to be present in my daily life. To learn more about affirmations, the science behind them, and how they work check out my blog, the power of affirmations.

5 Ways to Use Tarot for the Past, Present, and Future

Tarot is one of my life’s great passions, and I have dedicated my career to helping people understand its power! These cards have been used for generations to navigate through life’s unknowns and doubts, and in every one of us is a person seeking truth. The truth about what? Well, that depends entirely on you!

My 4 Methods for Mapping Out the Future

I will be the first person to admit that knowing what the future holds creates a certain level of anxiety. However, after some time, I realized that there is no way to strictly plan out one’s future. However, there are ways to map out a path you’d like your life to follow.