The 5 Benefits of Change

The 5 Benefits of Change

I was so inspired by all the moving astrological events occurring this season that I wanted to talk a little bit more about the concept of change. Many of the events this July are calling on us to rethink the past and break old habits - change is a force that helps us do that. Yes, it can be a bit intimidating at first, but there are so many benefits to being comfortable with change!

The 5 benefits of change are: 

1. It Brings New Opportunities

Change can bring a sleuth of new opportunities your way. New people, new ideas, new passions, and new emotions. If you are able to embrace it - who knows what change new friendships and new experiences could come with it!

2. It Creates Excitement

We can all get stuck in a rut sometimes. Life can get a little monotonous and feel like we’re stuck on repeat. Change breaks us free from the cycle of repetition and creates a sense of excitement again. 

3. It Ends Bad Patterns

Change also creates space for us to remove negative energy and habits from our lives. We can decide to change, grow, and also, to move on to something new. It might not always be exciting or easy, but it does give way to progress and new beginnings!

4. It Prevents Burnout

It’s proven that we are more mentally stimulated when offered consistent new challenges and experiences. Doing the same tasks every day (especially at work) can leave us feeling understimulated and unfulfilled. Taking on a new and unfamiliar project or hobby can help you stay motivated and energized.

5. It Improves Our Response to Stress

Similarly to how change reinforces the need for flexibility, it also helps alleviate stress. When we become accustomed to seeing and experiencing change often, even in the little things, we actually build up a healthier response to it. This, in turn, keeps us calm even when we are faced with challenges that are unfamiliar, unexpected, or different. 

I am excited to announce that it is almost time for my Introduction to Tarot course to launch! Next month, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading!

 Make sure to sign up now as it’s the last month you can Pre-Register - and receive a FREE gift!

This course will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. In this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!

5 Small Things You Can Do To Create Change

5 Small Things You Can Do To Create Change

The July Astrology Guide

The July Astrology Guide