All tagged 16 personalities

What Is The Myers Briggs Test?

You may have heard of the 16 personalities test or the Myers Briggs test and wondered “what is that?”. Well, I’m here to tell you!

Simply, it’s a personality test where you’ll answer a whole bunch of questions and when you’ve finished you’ll be assigned with a personality type. A lot of companies these days are asking applicants to take this test, so they can see how you would fit in!

Birth Charts, Personality Tests and more... Tools That I Use in My Work and Why You Should Too!

As you know if you’ve read the blog post, I have a variety of live sessions/readings that I have available for those who are looking for greater insight into their astrology, intuition, and true north node.

A major part of my preparations for sessions is understanding my client’s personality. I tend to use a combination of tools to do this, such as 1) Astrological Birth Chart 2) 16 Personalities Test and 3) The Enneagram Test.