Birth Charts, Personality Tests and more... Tools That I Use in My Work and Why You Should Too!
In my recent blog post, I talk about my live readings and what you can expect from them.
Read here: What To Expect During My Readings
As you know if you’ve read the blog post, I have a variety of live sessions/readings that I have available for those who are looking for greater insight into their astrology, intuition, and true north node.
Browse my sessions here:
A major part of my preparations for sessions is understanding my client’s personality. I tend to use a combination of tools to do this, such as 1) Astrological Birth Chart 2) 16 Personalities Test and 3) The Enneagram Test.
Never heard of those tests or charts? No worries! Let me explain:
1. Birth Charts
First and foremost, as an astrology fan, birth charts are essential in helping me find out about myself and others. A birth chart is, very simply, an astrological birth certificate. It includes your zodiac sign, sun sign, moon sign, rising sign, and more!
Each sign from your birth chart can explain a certain aspect of your personality. For example, your sun sign is all about your life and energy, while your moon sign tells you about your hidden, deepest emotions.
Get your birth chart with me for just $19.99
2. 16 Personalities Test
The Myers Briggs 16 personalities test is an even further insight into personalities. It puts everyone into one of 16 personality types based on type groups. There are analysts, diplomats, sentinels, and explorers. Combined with the types, there are also 5 personality aspects; mind, energy, nature, tactics, and identity.
When you fill out the test, you’ll answer questions and be told which personality combination best fits you.
Eager to learn more? Type Talk by Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen will explain the 16 personalities in more detail - it’s so interesting!
3. Enneagram Test
The Enneagram is another personality-test with 9 main personality types:
The Reformer
The Helper
The Achiever
The Individualist
The Investigator
The Loyalist
The Enthusiast
The Challenger
The Peacemaker
Like with the 16 personality test, you answer some questions which determine your main personality type.
I highly recommend finding out your results on these 3 essential tests. If anything, they help you learn and understand yourself more.
Let me know your results below.