All tagged mind

How Tarot Can Free Your Mind

I strongly believe that tarot allows people to access different aspects of themselves, and opens up a world of possibility. However, how the cards affect the reader and the receiver of the reading can be quite a different experience!

Simple Routines for Mindful Movement

Making lifestyle changes or incorporating more physical activity is something that does not need to happen in large steps. I am a believer that it is the little things that we do each day that enhance our quality of life. Here are simple, mindful, and actionable things that everyone should add into their daily routines to live a happier, healthier life:

3 Books for the Body and Mind

The cold of winter can leave us feeling lethargic, stiff, and tired. This month, as Spring slowly starts to awaken around us, it’s time for us to also reawaken and reenergize ourselves. March is a great time to focus on awakening the body, and realigning our mental and physical selves. Our bodies may have been in hibernation so to speak, but our minds might have been racing on.

These are 3 books I like to lean into when I am readying myself for the new season, and get myself moving