Simple Routines for Mindful Movement

Simple Routines for Mindful Movement

Making lifestyle changes or incorporating more physical activity is something that does not need to happen in large steps.  I am a believer that it is the little things that we do each day that enhance our quality of life.  Here are simple, mindful, and actionable things that everyone should add into their daily routines to live a happier, healthier life:

Routine 1: Start your day off with a large glass of water.

Staying hydrated needs no explanation! Kick start your metabolism and digestion with a large glass of water every morning (and add a squeeze of lemon if you’re feeling fancy!)

Routine 2:  Incorporate Yoga or stretching

When we wake up our bodies might feel a bit tense or stiff. Before I have my coffee each morning, I try to dedicate around 5 to ten minutes to stretching or yoga each morning just to wake up my body and give it some needed T-L-C. Read my blog to find out more ways that yoga can revitalize your health!

Routine 3: Do some low-impact exercise each day 

High-intensity workouts, such as running or HIIT, every day can actually do some serious harm to your joints! Due to this, I recommend some low-impact workouts that can still get your heart pumping, such as walking (outside or on the elliptical), swimming, or pilates.

Routine 4: Have one day of the week be plant-based

A vegetarian or vegan diet is not for everyone. Eating plant-based meals might not be feasible for every day of the week, so I personally stick to just one day a week. Only 10% of Americans actually get their daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Due to this, I feel like having one day of the week where we get creative with our food sources can help in filling that nutrition gap. So go ahead, have yourself a “Meatless-Monday” or a “Tofu Tuesday”!

Routine 5: Try to end each day with a few moments of meditation

You can truly re-energize yourself by completing just a few moments of meditation each day to calm the mind. For those of you who are particularly restless or have a hard time sleeping, it might be best to include this step in your nighttime routine. For a beginner’s guide to meditation, check out my free guide here!

As mentioned, I am a certified yoga instructor and am earnestly passionate about how movement and meditation can better our lives and well-being. However, it is also important to recognize that there are so many other facets in our lives that affect our appearance, health, and well-being. Health, happiness, and beauty comes in every shape, size, color, height, and age.  So let us all do our best, and live as mindfully as we can!

In the same way that our bodies try to speak with us, the universe does as well! With that in mind, I am happy to announce that this August 2022, I will be teaching a 4-week online course on the Basics of Tarot Reading! So, let’s get together and listen to the universe!

It will cover everything you will need to know to go from an absolute beginner to an experienced medium. In this class we will discuss:

  • The Basic Principles of Tarot

  • The Major and Minor Arcana

  • How to interpret the symbolism of these mystical cards

  • How to use tarot to help you in your everyday life

Pre-register for my course now and receive a free gift! Join our growing community of people seeking to awaken their power through tarot!

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