All tagged positive thinking

The 4 Stages of Harnessing Your Energy

Energy is a precious thing! We use it every day on all the little things that we take on throughout the day. All of our everyday responsibilities, like our work and home lives can unknowingly drain our energy. Fatigue, burn-out, and emotional exhaustion are all signs that we need to reinvigorate and feed our inner selves. Whether it is mental, emotional, or spiritual energy let’s take the time to learn how to harness it:

The Power of Affirmations

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that, when repeated over a period of time, can help you overcome difficulties, as well as negative or unhelpful thoughts. It takes daily practice and motivation to change your mindset this way. However, once you do you will be able to feel the difference in how you appreciate and view yourself.

How to Grow in Self-Gratitude

November is a time of gratitude; It is when we gather with loved ones, celebrate our accomplishments, enjoy each other's company and give thanks for the things that we have.

However, I can’t help but wonder- why don’t we practice gratitude daily? Why don’t we take the time each day to appreciate what we have on a smaller scale?