The Art of Being Self Aware

The Art of Being Self Aware

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Being self-aware is all about self-evaluation, self-reflection and finding our truths. As much as we speak of self-care, I do think it’s possible that we skip out on looking towards ourselves and being aware of why we are the way we are. 

For me, I’ve always found self-awareness as looking at our own strengths and weaknesses and always assessing how we can improve ourselves. It’s simply, looking in the mirror, but not just at your appearance but also what’s inside.

Today, I want to discuss the WHAT, WHY and HOW of self awareness. It’s something that is as beneficial to learn as the alphabet. When we know ourselves properly, we can get to know others and help them too!

self aware flowers


You may be familiar with the idea that adulting is tough. No one knows what they are doing! Are they wrong? Before addressing our own truths, we need to look at what we do on the daily. What are our routines, work-life balance and relationships like? Are we happy with all these things that consume our lives. If not, why? 

Check out these books on self awareness for further reading -

Insight: The Surprising Truth About How Others See Us, How We See Ourselves, and Why the Answers Matter More Than We Think

Self-Awareness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

The Art of Talking to Yourself: Self-Awareness Meets the Inner Conversation


A lot of people stay in situations that no longer bring them joy. My tip: Marie Kondo your life. You deserve it! Do you find yourself bickering with a significant other but never actually addressing your problems? Ditch that method, it’s not working. Remember, it’s not always a job, person or situation that is sucking the life out of you, it may be yourself hindering your progress. 

Also check this out as well as the series on Netflix -


How are you going to deal with what you realise when you become self aware of your own actions? Will you continue down the same path or follow the road less travelled and invest in whatever you need to help yourself become the best person you deserve to be? 

smile self aware


All to say, we mustn't fall down the trap of being too self-aware and become more self-conscious. It’s all about finding that balance. Check in with YOU! And if you need any help with this, feel free to connect with me via comments, my website or on social media. 

Thanks for reading you beautiful souls,



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