All tagged activity

Simple Routines for Mindful Movement

Making lifestyle changes or incorporating more physical activity is something that does not need to happen in large steps. I am a believer that it is the little things that we do each day that enhance our quality of life. Here are simple, mindful, and actionable things that everyone should add into their daily routines to live a happier, healthier life:

Everyday Well-Being Practices for The Holidays

There might be a lot going on today for some of you- in fact, there might be a whole lot going on in the next week for all of us! As we scurry about to make all those last-minute preparations, and conquer our to-do lists, let’s try to include some “you-time” as well as we go through the final stretch of 2021. Here are some well-being practices that you can incorporate into your day-to-day as the holiday season comes to a close: