Everyday Well-Being Practices for The Holidays

Everyday Well-Being Practices for The Holidays

There might be a lot going on today for some of you- in fact, there might be a whole lot going on in the next week for all of us! As we scurry about to make all those last-minute preparations, and conquer our to-do lists, let’s try to include some “you-time” as well as we go through the final stretch of 2021. Here are some well-being practices that you can incorporate into your day-to-day as the holiday season comes to a close:

1. Giving attention to your mental well being

Often we rush during this time of year. Distracted with holiday and end-of-the-year plans and resolutions. Give your mental well-being the attention it deserves. I try to include time for my journaling especially during this time of year as it allows me some “me time” amidst all of the festivities. If you are needing some seasonal essential oils to enjoy during your time of mindfulness, you can purchase some amazing high-quality oils here at Young Living. And if you need some recommendations or inspiration, check out my blog post Winter Themed Essential Oils!

2. Skin and Physical Care

The winter months can be unforgiving to our skin, hair, cuticles, and more. It might sound silly or simple but taking care of our bodies is just as important as taking care of our emotional and mental wellbeing during times of busyness. Layer on the moisturizer or put on a hair or face mask that will leave you feeling hydrated and nourished. 

If you would like some skincare recommendations, please check out my Guide for Winter Skincare!

3. Get Active

The chill in the air can stiffen our bones and muscles- counteract that with something active- whichever way you’d like. I try to fit in some yoga or take a stroll to warm up my body on these cold days. Our bodies can often feel fatigued and dragged down during the holidays as we are usually stuck inside, sitting down and hopefully enjoying some delicious food. Try making it a habit during the holidays to give your body a break by getting outside or by doing something that gets your body moving.

4. Stay Rested

As the nights are now at their longest and darkest, use this opportunity to get some well-needed rest. Sleep is such an important part of our health and wellness, which is especially true during the holidays, as our bodies may be under some stress from many social activities. It is easy to stay out and up late when you’re occupied with gatherings and late-night dinners but don’t forget to let your body recuperate afterward!

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