All tagged journey

4 Tips to Maintaining the "New" You

So far you have recognized and adhered to your goals for the year 2022. You have made your lists, hit your milestones, and faced your obstacles- now what? Sometimes the hardest part of making a change is maintaining it for the long term. It can be easy to fall into old habits again- so what are some steps you can take to maintain the “new” you?

How to Find Your Inner Strengths

We all possess strengths within ourselves. For some of us, it can be our ability to listen or our perseverance, for others, it might be their sense of intuition. The only question is how do we find out which strengths are unique to us? Here are some tips I have used to discover my own strengths- and how to use them to improve how I navigate through the world.

5 Books for Self Discovery

Now that we have discussed what steps would help you begin your personal journey, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to find inspiration in the stories of others. Knowing that we are not alone in our journey can help us stay motivated. Self-growth and discovery is not a linear process and oftentimes our journey can hit a plateau, take an unexpected turn or just come to a screeching halt. Learning new coping mechanisms and problem-solving methods (especially ones that work for you and your individual journey) will help you keep moving forward.

4 Steps on How to Begin a Personal Journey

I know I am not the only one who appreciates the optimism associated with that “clean slate” feeling every January. It might seem a bit cliche to speak about self-development and “making changes”, or the idea of self-improvement at this time of year. However, I truly believe that is one of the most motivating and invigorating times of year that empowers people to feel ready to take something new on.