All in Self-Love

6 Ways Yoga Can Help Boost Self-Confidence

As we spoke about last week, good self-confidence is important to facilitate a happy life. Sure, none of us are confident 100% of the time - believe me! But self-confidence alters a lot of the day to day, so we should often check in with ourselves and work towards building it little by little.

From taking yourself on walks, to getting out and socialising, all the way to doing some meditation and yoga, the journey to self confidence isn’t always an easy one but an essential one to learning to love yourself and your life.

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Poor mental health is something that impacts every 1 in 5 Americans and, in my opinion, we don’t speak about it enough.

Mental health and wellness issues don't care about a person's race, colour, gender or identity. However, the lack of treatment can directly influence an individual's life. Depending on the way a person identifies themself, this can impact how they gain access to treatment and attitude towards getting help.