26 Things To Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving….tomorrow! Whatever you’re up to, I hope you have a great time. I, for one, can’t wait for the family time, the food, the festive feeling - it’s just the best! 


Throughout the month, I have been thinking that we sure do have an awful lot to be grateful for this time around. We’re all living in a pandemic - this will be in history books! 

Since it’s probably looking a little different this year, I thought what better than to write a post about 26 things to be grateful for as Thanksgiving falls on the 26th this year. 

Let’s go! 

1. Food - Of course, Thanksgiving is a day of delicious, lovely, seasonal food. But every day I’m thankful for food because there are so many people that are going to bed hungry - I am truly blessed! 

2. Learning new lessons every day - A new day always brings us new lessons. From these lessons, we grow into the person we are meant to be. What did you learn today?

3. Good Health - If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that our health is something we should cherish; physical health, mental health, emotional health, and spiritual health. 

4. Exercise - Use that beautiful body you’ve been given. 

5. 2020 - For sure, it’s been a weird year but it’s also been such a year of change, growth, and power. 

6. Perspective - Having the foresight to see different sides of a story, discussion, or situation is so refreshing and a privilege.

7. Freedom of speech and thought - Our minds and words make a difference. We’re lucky to be able to voice our opinions in such an open space! 

8. Good books - “Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book - E.B. White

If you need some inspiration, check out my blog:  6 Books To Read This Fall 

9. Podcasts! - There are so many podcasts to keep us entertained and educated nowadays.

 Check out my recent blog for some recommendations on the best podcasts for motivation: 4 Podcasts For Motivation 

10. Family and friends - There’s no love like it. Spend some time this Thanksgiving with friends and family by going for a walk, having a nice home-cooked dinner, and making some more memories. 

11. Sundays - Nothing quite like an easy-going Sunday. I love applying a DIY facemasks and taking some time for meditation

For DIY facemasks ideas, read this blog: DIY Face Masks That Include Essential Oils — Jackie M. Fernandes 

12. Fresh air - If the Covid face masks have taught us anything, it’s that fresh air is so damn sweet. Breathe in, breathe out (in a safe way). 

13. Safety and shelter -  Never take for granted the fact that you have a home and a roof over your head. 

14. Wifi! - What a blessing.

15. Love - We all have the ability to love and be loved, don’t ever forget it. 

16. Laughter - It’s a cliche but laughter is the best medicine. 

17. Hope - Tomorrow, brings new horizons, unknown truths, and hope. 

18. Good movies and TV - ‘Tis the season to curl up on the couch after a long week, with a cup of hot cocoa and fuzzy socks to watch your favorite movies and TV shows.

19. Yoga and mindfulness - Our body and minds are strong, so it’s only right we help them to get even stronger.

Read my blog to learn more about the correlation between yoga and self-confidence: 

6 Ways Yoga Can Help Boost Self-Confidence — Jackie M. Fernandes  

20. Art! - From a painting to a piece of music, art is all around us, we just have to look closer, and enjoy them.

21. Travel - Some people never leave the town they grew up in, Remember that the next time you take a trip.  You could even spend some time enjoying the hidden treasures of your own City! Take a friend with you! Or enjoy some solo time.

22. The changing weather/ seasons - Watching the weather change, and the seasons emerge is such a sight.  The changing of seasons reminds us that even something as beautiful as Nature goes through cycles.

23. Good honest conversation - discussions are the key to growth and widened awareness.

24. Hot cocoa on a cold day - Simple, but unbeatable. Or...some hot apple cider, if you prefer a more seasonal flavor.

25. Mistakes - Mistakes help us to grow.  They help teach us the lessons we need to be better people.

26. Today - We are all here, right now. Live in that moment and enjoy it. 

What are you thankful for this year? Let me know in the comments below. 

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