The truth is, beautiful souls, that at the end of the day, the only one who can actually help you fulfill your dreams is yourselves.
But I’m here to help.
All in Growth
The truth is, beautiful souls, that at the end of the day, the only one who can actually help you fulfill your dreams is yourselves.
But I’m here to help.
The sun is (hopefully) shining and it’s the perfect way to spend an afternoon in the park with a lovely book.
I love sharing my favorite books of the month! I’ve found that reading more helps me to keep mindful and motivated!
How was May for you astrology wise?
I found it to be hectic but allowed lots of room for thought, revaluation and growth, and now I'm ready for action.
June is going to be more of the same.
Today, I want to teach you how to transform negatives into positives.
Sometimes when we feel emotional, we give ourselves ammunition to react poorly.
If we don't give ourselves more information, we can ruminate it, and let it feel heavy in our body, heart and brain
When we get emotional, our heartbeats increase and we activate our flight or fight mode.
Last year, I listed my tips for how to trust your intuition…
Catch up here: How To Trust Your Intuition
This time, I wanted to see if we are intuitive people or not. Not everyone is actually intuitive, but of course, we can always tap into our intuition. I can help with this! I have special intuitive readings for this exact reason.
Hello hello!
Here’s your monthly update for your astrological concerns.
There’s a LOT going on at the moment but remember you’re not alone.