All in Emotional Wellness

How To Be More Present and Live In The Moment

In a world with constant uncertainty, it is a struggle to be present. In this pandemic, for instance, we are understandably focused on looking towards to the future and a world without Covid-19. But really, we are doing it wrong. By looking onto the next day, we’re forgetting to revel in the beauty of TODAY, and it for sure is pretty beautiful.

How To Let Go of What's Holding You Back

As we enter the month of October, we want to leave behind all things that don’t serve us any longer. This means anything that is holding us back. This month is all about playfulness, growth, and embracing the change in energy.

Is there anything that’s on your mind that is stopping you from achieving your true beauty? Then continue reading - I’m here to give you a 3-step guide on how to let that stuff go!

Back To School Haul: 6 Products I Use For Work

As we enter into autumn, we emerge into that ‘back to school/work’ mentality. Though last year, our September/October looked a little bit different from how it does today.
Yes, we may be commuting at a social distance or still very much working from home, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be living in the moment and reveling in the fun of a new beginning.

I love getting my new stationery, books, and everyday essentials for work. So I thought I’d share the top products that I use in my work as an energy and wellness coach.

8 of My Favorite Books (that I recommend to my clients)

Reading is one of the most important things in life. For my own work, I love to recommend to my clients my favorite books for growth. Reading helps us understand things differently and allows us to find some perspective outside of our own ways of thinking.

Fran Lebowitz famously said, “Think before you speak. Read before you think.”. I have always felt this. Sometimes there is more to the story, and reading helps us find that out.